Yeast Diaper Rash: Identification, Treatment, and Prevention Tips for Parent

Learn How to Recognize and Cure Yeast Diaper Rash in Your Baby. Discover Effective Tips to Keep Your Baby's Skin Healthy and Protected.

As a parent, dealing with diaper rash is a common occurrence. But, what if the rash is caused by yeast? Yeast diaper rash is a common type of diaper rash that can be painful and persistent. In this article, we'll guide you through how to identify, cure, and prevent yeast diaper rash.

Identifying Yeast Diaper Rash

Yeast diaper rash is caused by an overgrowth of candida, a type of fungus that thrives in warm and moist environments. Unlike other types of diaper rash, yeast diaper rash is usually red with raised bumps and may have smaller red bumps around the main rash (see picture below). It can also be accompanied by a persistent itch and a foul odor.

Curing Yeast Diaper Rash

If you suspect your baby has yeast diaper rash, it's important to take action right away. Here's how to cure yeast diaper rash:

Step 1: Keep the area clean and dry. Change your baby's diaper frequently and clean the affected area with warm water and a mild soap. 

Step 2: At every diaper change, for up to 7 days, apply an anti-fungal cream like Lotrimin, a yeast-rash diaper cream like Pooters Skin Therapy for Yeast, or a 50-50 diluted mix of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water. Your pediatrician may recommend an over-the-counter cream or prescribe a stronger medication to clear up the rash.

Step 3: Give your baby diaper-free time. Let your baby's bottom air out for a while each day to help speed up the healing process.

Step 4: If you cloth diaper, you'll need to add 1 cup of bleach to every cloth diaper load for up to 5 days after the rash has disappeared.

Preventing Yeast Diaper Rash

Prevention is key when it comes to yeast diaper rash. Here are some tips to help prevent yeast diaper rash from occurring:

Tip 1: Change your baby's diaper frequently. The longer your baby sits in a wet or soiled diaper, the more likely they are to develop diaper rash.

Tip 2: Avoid using scented or perfumed wipes, lotions, or detergents. These can irritate your baby's skin and contribute to diaper rash.

Tip 3: Use cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are more breathable than disposable diapers, which can help prevent the buildup of moisture that can lead to diaper rash.

Tip 4: Use a diaper cream regularly. A barrier cream, such as Pooters Skin Therapy, can help prevent diaper rash by creating a protective layer between your baby's skin and the diaper. Checkout our list of recommended diaper rash creams.


If you're looking for a high-quality diaper balm to help clear your yeast rash quickly, consider Pooters Skin Therapy. Made with all-natural ingredients, Pooters Skin Therapy is gentle diaper balm that is great for sensitive baby skin and effective at preventing and clearing diaper rash. Click here to purchase Pooters Skin Therapy and use the code YEAST20 for 20% off your order.


Yeast diaper rash is a common problem for many parents, but with proper identification, treatment, and prevention, it can be managed effectively. By keeping your baby clean and dry, using a medicated or anti-fungal cream, and taking preventive measures, you can help keep your baby's bottom healthy and rash-free.

Reviews (4 comments)

  • Nicole H On

    Yeast are not spore forming fungi. They are individually easy to kill but are everywhere in the environment which is why infections are hard to treat. When the body provides and environment which leads to their overgrowth (warm, wet, without other bacteria to compete for food), they will grow. It isn’t really possible to prevent exposure to yeast because they are naturally on your skin and in the environment. The goal in treating overgrowths is to reduce yeast back to normal levels and restore other natural bacteria that keep the yeast growth levels in check.

  • Azucena DeLaRosa On

    Eleven, can you tell me the gse ratio when diluted in water? Want to spray it in my daughter’s bum as she’s showing early signs of diaper thrush.

  • Eleven On

    M is correct; yeast is a fungus. However, an imbalance of the microflora (good and bad BACTERIA) throughout the GI tract (from mouth to exits ;) is ONE cause of yeast infections. More commonly, a yeast infection of the diapered areas would be caused by excess moisture.
    In any case, here is a very important fact: there are many methods to kill yeast. But, there is only ONE way to kill yeast SPORES and, if not killed, these can grow and reinfect/infect ALL, no matter if you use bleach, creams, prebiotic, nuclear bombs, etc., and that is Grapefruit Seed Extract! I use Nutribiotic brand, but i’m sure there are others (I advise researching thoroughly!)
    AND PLEASE NOTE: NEVER use GSE undiluted! Re: Nutribiotic, it is a liquid form in glycerin- the glycerin is NOT intended as a topical dilution!!! Add to coconut oil or such. And mix in a bottle of water, shake well & add to laundry rinse cycle …or wash cycle.
    Best wishes to all ☺

  • M On

    Yeast is a FUNGUS. Not a bacteria.

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